Lawrence and His Siblings
Patrick and Lena’s children were Helen, William (aka “Poker Bill”), Lawrence, Cyrus, Cornelius, Violet and Herbert. Two photos of the family survive. The first one (above ) shows Lena with most of the children. From the left, they are Lawrence, Helen, Lena holding Cornelius as a baby, and sitting in front is Cyrus and then William is standing behind the family dog (name unknown). Nothing is known about when or where the photo was taken or the significance of “Boston-R-R-Photo-Car No 4.” Cornelius might be one year old in the photo, so that would place the date about 1897. One interesting thing about the picture is Lena’s hair. It appears to be combed forward and there isn’t much there. One family rumor had been that Lena had been scalped by “Indians”. Apparently a person can be scalped and live to tell about it. It looks as if her hair is in the process of growing back. Maybe the story is true. The sec...